Monday, 5 January 2015


We've said our goodbyes to 2014 and it certainly wasn't an easy year to say goodbye to as there were plenty of ups and downs. Everyday my husband and I still feel the heartbreaking void left behind by our beloved Springer Spaniel, Zara. She was a huge part of our lives and to have her taken from us in such a traumatic way means that it will take us time to recover. Our new addition, little Luna the eight month old Springer-cross-Poodle puppy, has certainly helped and she brings a much needed ray of sunshine into our lives on a daily basis. I share more photos and glimpses into Happy Little Places HQ on Instagram (including puppy and kitty pictures) if you'd like to follow along.

I've never really made New Year's resolutions but here are a few things I'd like to try and do in 2015.
Mid-Christmas and New Year walk
Bake more: I used to bake semi-regularly and liked to try new recipes but this past year saw a noticeable lack of baking. I managed to make some mince pies in time for Christmas and a couple of banana breads here and there, but nothing new and nothing to write home about. If you have any uncomplicated and yummy recipes, please send them my way - remember I'm a baking novice ;)

Not worry so much about cleaning and tidying: I think it's perfectly normal to want your house to be as clean and tidy as possible. However, I apparently take this to another level and have genuine anxiety about maintaining a certain standard. Having pets has certainly helped me to understand that everywhere cannot be perfect all the time but I know I still have a way to go. Luna likes to pull all the stuffing out of her toys and generally create mess throughout the house. My husband would appreciate it if I managed to calm down the crazy cleaning lady in me. One solution that I have proposed is that we hire a cleaner, although I'm yet to win him over to this idea.

Invite people round for food more often: The meals don't have to be complicated or dinner party standard, just simple, tasty and good for sharing. Sitting round a table with family and friends is one of life's pleasures and is something we haven't done enough of this past year. Again, meal ideas are always welcome.

Move more, eat less sugar: I'm not one for diets and I'm certainly no gym bunny but I do eat fairly healthily and I get some exercise from walking aforementioned puppy. I know this is not enough and I hope to improve on this steadily throughout 2015. After Christmas and a whole month or more of overindulgence I need to step away from the chocolate bars and back towards the fruit bowl. 

What do you plan on doing in 2015? Have you set yourself goals? If you have any tips on achieving and maintaining any of the above, please get in touch through the comments below or through Twitter @happylilplaces.

Claire x


  1. Oooh great things for 2015! I love inviting friends round for dinner, it's always great fun :) Happy new year x

    1. Happy New Year to you too. Friends + food = great times, I just need to make sure that I do it more often. x


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